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LOANAPP: Visual Basic(TM) 1.0 Pen Loan Application
LOANAPP is a Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) for Pen Computing
application that was developed using Microsoft(TM) Visual
Basic(TM). LOANAPP lets you fill out a loan application
using bedit fields, hedit fields, and check boxes.
To input information, double-click a field to bring up
that section's input screen and fill in the requested
information. To change or reenter information in an input
field, double-click the input field. To move from screen
to screen, select the buttons at the top of the screen.
Select Save from the File menu to save data to a demo file.
Select Load from the File menu to load in a demo file that
you saved earlier.
There is some really good editing going on in LOANAPP. For
example, no matter where you write in the bedit fields,
your entry appears left justified in the final form. The
application converts the State field entry to uppercase,
regardless of how you entered it.
LOANAPP was developed for the mobile environment, which
requires large input fields and a clear indication of
where the user should enter information. In LOANAPP, input
fields appear on separate screens, background colors are
blue/black, and input fields are white.
On the last screen, double click the Date field at the
bottom of the screen to display the current date. LOANAPP
reads the time setting from your pentop. Use the buttons
at the top of each form to delete either all fields in the
current screen or all fields in all screens. Double-click
the Erase Signature buttons to clear Signature boxes. To
exit the application, choose Exit from the File menu.
LOANAPP was built and tested under Microsoft Windows
version 3.1 and Visual Basic version 3.0. The program
requires PENWIN.DLL, which can be found in both Microsoft
Windows for Pen Computing and the Microsoft Windows
version 3.1 Software Development Kit (SDK).